Author: MoneyMaven

  • How to save and invest smarter: What Canadians need to know

    How to save and invest smarter: What Canadians need to know

    Many Canadians are turning to their savings accounts to manage growing financial pressures, choosing cash liquidity over investing in accounts like tax-free savings accounts (TFSAs), registered retirement savings plans (RRSPs) or first home savings accounts (FHSAs), says Pat Giles, vice-president, Saving and Investing Journey at TD. “Over a third (35%) of Canadians are contributing to…

  • Do Medical Bills Die With You? 5 Surprising Facts About Debt After Death

    Do Medical Bills Die With You? 5 Surprising Facts About Debt After Death

    Image Source: Pexels Medical debt has become an overwhelming problem for many Americans. The Survey of Income and Program Participation (SIPP) estimates that Americans owe at least $220 billion in medical debt. More often than not, this debt slips into collections and is left unpaid. But what if you die before you’re able to pay off…

  • 27 Creative Ways To Make Money Fast – Unique Side-Hustle Gigs

    27 Creative Ways To Make Money Fast – Unique Side-Hustle Gigs

    Best Ways to Make Money in High School, College and Beyond At age 16, I wanted a job. So, I did what any 16-year-old would do before the internet, I looked at the employment section in the newspaper. It’s hard to imagine a time before the internet, where the best ways to make money in…

  • Net Worth Update: 2024 Year-End Review

    Net Worth Update: 2024 Year-End Review

    Welcome to the end of the year and another net worth update. 2024 has been a banner year for both professional and financial growth. On the business side, we saw revenues increase by an incredible 35%. More and more of you reach out for unbiased financial advice each year, and my wife and I absolutely…

  • 6 Up-and-Coming Car Brands That Are About to Take Over

    6 Up-and-Coming Car Brands That Are About to Take Over

    Automotive • Cars Image Source: Rivian There is no doubt that there are major changes happening in the automotive industry. Some companies are phasing out popular models and some brands are disappearing altogether, making way for up-and-coming car brands. Electric trucks, hypercars, and beloved European brands are redefining what’s possible on the road. While these six…

  • Teach Your Kids Good Financial Habits

    Teach Your Kids Good Financial Habits

    FamZoo Product Name: FamZoo Product Description: FamZoo is a pre-paid debit card for kids that includes chore management features as well parent controls and notifications. Summary FamZoo has one low price for unlimited debit cards. It is packed with features, including chore management and the ability to pay an automatic allowance. It also has an…

  • Don’t Bet Against Biology

    Don’t Bet Against Biology

    Every year I try to come up with a big takeaway for what I learned. In 2022, it was that people hate inflation. In 2023, it was that people can’t predict recessions. But this year what I learned wasn’t an investment lesson. In 2024, I learned not to bet against biology. Two prominent stories from…

  • Why We Read Money Tips But Never Become Rich

    Why We Read Money Tips But Never Become Rich

    Like you, I read many articles on the topic of personal finance. And more often than not, I come across tips on how we can save and earn more money. The article will say something like “do this and you will become rich.” Some of these article may be from someone you trust, while others…

  • Here’s How They Really Feel: 8 Microexpressions That Reveal How Your Mate Really Feels About You

    Here’s How They Really Feel: 8 Microexpressions That Reveal How Your Mate Really Feels About You

    Image Source: Pexels Microexpressions are subtle clues from our faces that only last for a moment. They are often subtle, but they give us insight into how someone truly feels. Researchers have found that there are universal microexpressions that transcend even language. Microexpressions can be as small as a flaring of a nostril, or the…

  • Can you move your investments from Canada to the U.S.?

    Can you move your investments from Canada to the U.S.?

    However, the process may not be as simple as transferring securities between two Canadian financial institutions. It may take longer across the border, and there may or may not be a tax advantage. MoneySense’s ETF Screener Tool Tax implications of transferring investments If your primary reason for transferring your investments, Meranda, is to defer tax,…