Category: Wealth
50% of Self-Made Millionaires Worked Their Way Through College
If you find value in these articles, please share them with your inner circle and encourage them to Sign Up for my Rich Habits Daily Tips/Articles. No one succeeds on their own. Thank You! TOM@RICHHABITS.NET I worked my way through college as a Janitor for the New York City public school system. If it wasn’t for that…
6 Car Dealerships in Nevada Offering Discounts on Winter-Ready Vehicles
Cars Image Source: We are in the midst of winter and, in many places, there have been record-low temperatures and snowfall. For folks living in Nevada, the average low temp from December through February is about 20.7°F. Preparing your vehicle for colder temps is extremely important. You don’t want to get caught out in…
Quiz: How Many Personal Loans Can You Have at Once? Find Out If You’re Right!
Image Source: Pexels If you’re in need of taking out a personal loan, you may be wondering, “How many personal loans can I have at once?” While there are no legal limits on how many personal loans you can have at once, there are usually restrictions dictated by lenders. Read on to see how many…
12 Easy Ways to Fence Your Backyard For Less Than $1000
Home Image Source: There are a lot of perks to having a fence for your backyard. It adds some privacy to your yard. Additionally, it can add a layer of security. However, it can be incredibly expensive to build a fence, with the average cost hovering around $3,200 in the United States. With supply…
Young and Rich? 5 Passive Income Streams That Are Perfect for Millennials
Image Source: More than ever, creating passive income streams has become important to Millennials. Many young adults from this cohort are navigating the job market, saving to buy a house, and working on building wealth. However, many Millennials are feeling like salaries alone are not enough to live comfortably. So, what kind of passive…
10 Genius Features in SUVs That Make Long Drives a Breeze
Cars Image Source: Over the holidays, we went on our first road trip as a family of four to visit my family in Tennessee. During our drive, my wife and I thought back to some of our older vehicles and how our SUV has some pretty amazing features that make these longer rides easier…
Maxed out your TFSA and RRSP? Here’s where to put cash
Here’s a quick refresher on RRSPs and TFSAs, including their contribution limits: Comparison points RRSP TFSA Purpose Retirement savings Any savings goal, short-term or long-term Age requirement Any age up to 71 18 and older Earned income requirement Yes, you must earn income to create contribution room No Tax deduction for contributions Yes, and tax…
7 Unbelievable Ways to Save Money in College Without Giving Up Coffee!
Image Source: I remember being in college, working full-time, going to class full-time, and trying to swing rent, food, and everything else. It was stressful! Sometimes, I’d think about what I could give up to make things easier. However, there was one thing that was never up for grabs: caffeine. Luckily, with some creativity…
5 Things You Had No Idea Your Security System Is Doing
Home Image Source: With the rise of Ring doorbell cameras and increased use of home security systems, it seems every house on the block has some kind of surveillance. Many of the systems you’ll see today are advanced with features that are silently working in the background all the time. In fact, you might…
Completely Free Federal Tax Filing Services
FreeTaxUSA Tax Preparation Product Name: FreeTaxUSA Tax Preparation Product Description: FreeTaxUSA is a free tax federal preparation software package that anyone can use, regardless of income or tax situation. Federal returns are always free. State filings are $14.99 and you can pay extra for support and other services, like audit protection. Summary FreeTaxUSA offers free…