What Wealth Means (To Me)

Morning, y’all! Been a while! Jordan over at The Wealth Letters prompted me to share my thoughts on “wealth” for an upcoming book of his (cool!), and what began as an outline for an article somehow managed to morph into a poem, lol… So please to enjoy today: a poem about wealth!


“Wealth is freedom”

Wealth is freedom.

Freedom to create.
Freedom to live.
Freedom to love!
Freedom to sleep in, or hustle, or do whatever your spirit is moving you in the moment.

Wealth is freedom from worry of the things you have control over
(and grace over the things you do not).

It’s the ability to drop everything and help out a friend when they most need you,
or jump on a project (or quit a project!), or re-arrange life whenever it gets too out of balance.

Wealth is health – in both body and mind.
And being able to say “no” when you want to say no,
and “yes” when you want to say yes!

It’s choosing love over hate,
and recognizing what your gifts are as early as possible so you can give them back to the world.

Wealth is having enough money to not worry,
but not too much where it makes you worry.
It’s the stuff that brings you joy,
but also the stuff that challenges you and makes you stronger.

Wealth is the ability to believe in yourself and know that you are “enough”,
and also that you are loved and worthy and very much needed in our world.

Wealth is peace.
Wealth is freedom.
Wealth is contentment.
Wealth is something we’re always striving for, but not everyday getting. (And that’s okay!)

Wealth is a state of mind, and it flourishes within each and every one of us.

Wake up. Be You. Be thankful. Do your best. Be wealthy 🙏


And how blessed are we ALL to have at least a little wealth within us? 🙂

Wealth is about being good stewards of our money, yes, but it’s also so much more than that. It’s how we live and think and shape our lives no matter what’s going on in our worlds. And the beautiful part is we ALL have the power to grow it! For ourselves, for our loved ones, for our community!

So thanks, Jordan! That was a fun exercise to go down, and hopefully y’all got something out of it too 🙂 If you like this sorta stuff (the meaning of wealth, not poems lol), check out his site where he features dozens more from all walks of life –> TheWealthLetters.com

And he’s always looking to add more too! So if you have a few moments this weekend, maybe marinate on it yourself and then pass your thoughts over to him and perhaps you’ll be featured next?!

Until next time, stay wealthy amigos…
j. money signaturej. money signature

PS: If you’re reading this on the blog today, did you notice anything different?! Like no ads?? 😉 I officially got rid of them all so hopefully it makes it even smoother to read… Probably not the smartest decision business-wise, but hey – it just felt right 🤙

Hope things are good in your world! I’ll be back again soon’ish hopefully!

[Photo up top via Pexels]

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